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Sa­lo­Jazz Fes­ti­val 2024

Useita tapahtumapaikkoja

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The 13th SaloJazz Festival is a four-day cozy and high-level jazz event whose program features musicians from Finland and abroad who are creating an international career. The atmosphere of the concerts varies from traditional jazz through the tones of Nordic jazz to the modern beat and soul groove.


Pre-festival event - Thursday 12.9.

Thursday 26.9.

Friday 27.9.

Saturday 28.9.

Sunday 29.9.

Listen to the of­fi­cial Sa­lo­Jazz playlist

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Starting from 20 € / 18 € (+ service & delivery fee)

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Ticket prices

Adults (over 20 years old) / Children and young people (19 years old or under), students, unemployed, conscripts, pensioners.

Single concert
20 € / 18 € (+ service & delivery fee)

Saturday 28.9. klo 21.30 Arppa 25 € / 20 € (+ service & delivery fee)

Sunday 1.10. Jazz brunch 34 € is only sold separately, table reservations must be made in advance: Book a table (opens in a new tab)

Note! On festival days, when buying at the door + 5 €/ticket.

Day tickets (+ service & delivery fee)
Friday 35 € / 30 €
Saturday 60 € / 50 €
Friday - Saturday 90 € / 75 €

Day tickets include all concerts of the day.

Day tickets are to be exchanged for a wristband at the Musine ticket office:
on Friday 27.9. from 17:00 and on Saturday 28.9. from 13:30

Tickets sold in Musine (opens in a new tab), free of service & delivery fee.

Late concerts (after 21:00) age limit 18.
SaloJazz ry membership price for pre-purchased tickets -15%.

Free concerts
Sat 28.9. at 12:00 Kadi Vija 3, library
Sat 28.9. at 14:00 Ebeli Band, Musine

Ac­ces­si­bil­i­ty and as­sis­tant tickets

The parish hall building is accessible and wheelchair spaces can be sold there (assistant with delivery fee).

Musine’s concert space is located on the second floor, which is only accessible by stairs. Assistant (e.g. visually impaired) with delivery fee.

Prin­ci­ples of a safer space

SaloJazz Festival follows the principles of a safer space. Harassment, discrimination or violation of integrity will not be tolerated at the festival. Please don't make assumptions based on someone else's appearance or actions. Treat others with respect, because everyone has the right to feel safe without harassment. Let's all build a respectful, equal and open atmosphere with our own actions.

Food and ac­com­mo­da­tion



Horninkatu 17
Open on Google Maps (opens in a new tab)

Salo main library
Vilhonkatu 2
Open on Google Maps (opens in a new tab)

Salon seurakuntatalo
Torikatu 6
Open on Google Maps (opens in a new tab)

Fes­ti­val spon­sors

Facebook: salojazz
Instagram: @salojazz


SaloJazz organizes SaloJazz Festival on September and SaloJazz Live Club.
ID: 25020403

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