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Evening of elec­troa­coustic music on Thurs­day Oct 27th

SaloJazz and Salo Chamber together organize a "strange" music evening, where the Kaje-duo and Mikko Hassinen take the listener on a journey to get to know the electroacoustic sound world. At the beginning of the evening, Mikko Hassinen talks about his own production and the use of electronics as part of his own career as a percussionist, along with the playing material.

Kaje, who plays after Hassinen, is a baroque instrument duo consisting of violone (Lassi Kari) and live electronics and synthesizer (Juuso Kontiola). This duo, which is known to be the first duo in the world to combine these instruments, learns about the possibilities of live electronics and sound synthesis as an extension of the violone's sound world in both composed and improvised music. In addition to classical music, Kari and Kontiola both have a common background in jazz and improvised music. At the end of the evening, Hassinen, Kari and Kontiola also perform together.

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SaloJazz organizes SaloJazz Festival on September and SaloJazz Live Club.
ID: 25020403

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